Here is a two package deal containing two used Diamond Pacific MT-4SV Vibratory Rock Tumblers. These were used in the Lapidary Central rock shop for a while, but as we have been expanding our tumbling operation, we no longer have need for these and are expanding to larger vibratory tumblers. This is a great chance to get two well taken care of Vibratory tumblers from a well known brand for quality products. The MT-4SV does not contain a motor, but instead uses sonic waves to generate rotation. These can be speedy little tumblers, with a dial controlling how fast your rotation is. The only known damage to either of them is that one is missing the plastic speed knob, but it can still be rotated easily by hand. Diamond Pacific Lapidary Equipment is well known to last a lifetime with minimal maintenance! Without the motor, the normal failing point of a vibratory tumbler is no longer a factor!
This package also comes with 4 barrels and 3 lids, 2 of the barrels have only been used twice with 500AO and 7000 Cerium Oxide. This is a fantastic setup for any starter hobbyist. These are also very popular among cabbers to save tons of time and finish the polish.
In the tumbling world, vibratory tumblers are known to be much more efficient in both time and resources. While they do not do the rounding stage (you still need a rotary tumbler for that), they use a fraction of the grit on all other stages, and can do in 24 hours what takes a rotary tumbler a week to do on all stages but the 80 grit.
A good formula we used with these is 80 grit for a week in a rotary tumbler to round, then within these we did 220 SiC grit for 2 days, 500 AO for 4 days, and 7000 Cerium Oxide for 3 days.
Local Pickup in Olympia, Washington is available. We can also mail it at your expense.
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