Birdseye Rhyolite Slab! Lapidary Stone Slab!

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Sale price$34.56 Regular price$51.84


Birdseye Rhyolite is a volcanic rhyolite that forms with the gorgeous colorations and stunning orbicular eye like patterns!  It was mined in Mexico, and according to our sources, the original deposits have long since been mined out!  Birdseye Rhyolite tends to be pretty solid and takes an excellent polish!  The majority of LapidaryCentral Birdseye Rhyolite is from the original old stock deposits and miners!  


Measurements (inches - longest - approx):  5.4 x 2.8 x .23


The last photo has been taken dry so that you may see any defects. The other photos have been taken wet to simulate a polish.

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