Random Pull Solid Coconut Geode Rough Solid Thunder Eggs

Weight: 1 Lbs
Sale price€13,97


Random Pull Solid Coconut Geodes.

The first photo is an example of what these normally look like once cut. These are uncut and unworked and will appear rough from the outside. Most are 2-5 inches, though some variation can occur. A single geode can sometimes weigh multiple pounds. If you are sensitive to size, please add a note to your order or contact us first. 

Solid Coconut Geodes are a form of Agate or Jasper filled Geodes/Thundereggs that are often filled with Agate or Jasper. They tend to have beautiful blue Agate inside, though some variation can naturally occur. These are mined in Las Choyas, Mexico. They also go by the name of Las Choyas Geodes.


These take a great polish once cut, and tend to be a favorite among collections. They are well known to be an excellent solid geode.


One Pound is generally 1-2 geodes. However, sometimes a single geode can weigh 2-4 lbs. Photos shown are a representation on the grade. Due to being a natural stone, there can be some variation in the shade of color or minor defects, we have however sorted so each one is beautiful and stunning. If you do not specify, than we will do a random pull from available stock; with each one being stunning and beautiful.


These have all been sorted to have every single one hopefully be good quality workable material. No high grade has been removed from the random pull pile.

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